국민건강보험공단 고객센터 National Health Insurance Service Customer Center

I found the phone number of the National Health Insurance Service’s customer service center accurately. You can use it when you need medical insurance-related inquiries, health checkups, or consultations related to insurance premium payment.

국민건강보험공단 고객센터


National Health Insurance Service Customer Center Phone Number 국민건강보험공단 고객센터
The representative customer center of the National Health Insurance Corporation is 1577-1000. It is a nationwide call center phone number, so you can use this number for all tasks. The headquarters of the Health Insurance Corporation is located in Wonju, Gangwon-do. So, in addition to the main number, the direct phone number starts with 033.

National Health Insurance Service Customer Center Phone Number: 1577-1000 좋은뉴스
When calling from abroad: 82-33-811-2001


Counselor contact time
Consultation hours with the health insurance corporation counselor are available from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. However, it is difficult to connect calls on Mondays and the day after holidays, and the call volume is high between 9:00 am and 11:00 am and between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. If you avoid this time and call, the waiting time may be short.


According to my personal experience, connecting between 3pm and 6pm makes it easier to connect. Unless it’s really urgent, we recommend avoiding morning hours to call. If the wait is long, the connection will not be established even after waiting for more than 10 minutes and will be disconnected automatically.

Consultation hours: Weekdays 9:00 ~ 18:00

Speed Dial by Service
1577-1000 Call center speed dial for each service. Check the speed dial number of the service you want, and press it when the call connection message appears to connect quickly. If you want to connect with a counselor right away, press 0.

No. 1: certificate issuance and inquiry, form fax transmission
No. 2: Use of health checkup hospital and long-term care consultation for the elderly
No. 3: Insurance premiums and other consultations
No. 4: Confirmation of receipt of fax for website and branch location information
No. 5: Errors and failures of the Corporation website
No. 6: Send text messages for chatting counseling
No. 7: Foreign language consultation
No. 9: Visible ARS
No. 0: Connect with a counselor

Direct number for each service
In addition to the main phone number, there are also direct phone numbers for each service.

Foreign language consultation 031-811-2000 (Consultation available in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Uzbek)
Smoking cessation counseling number 033-811-2090
Long-term care worker grievance counseling phone number 033-811-2282
For other insurance inquiries, please use the number below.

Telephone number for inquiries on the imposition of national pension insurance premiums: 1355 without an area code
Employment Workers’ Compensation Insurance Inquiries Telephone Number: 1588-0075

Source: National Health Insurance Corporation website
