교보문고 영업시간 Kyobo Bookstore Hours of Operation

hello! This is the life information of Toli. You are reading a lot of books!!! I have a heart, but I don’t read often. There is a library near my house, so I sometimes go to the weekend with my child or go to the bookstore to browse books. Today, we will inform you about the business hours and closed days of Gwanghwamun Kyobo Bookstore during the bookstore.

교보문고 영업시간


Kyobo Bookstore operates not only the Gwanghwamun Kyobo Bookstore branch, but also several branch offices across the country, and each branch office’s business hours and closed days are not the same and each is different, so please check before visiting. 교보문고 영업시간


To check Gwanghwamun Kyobo Bookstore business hours and closed days, you can search for Kyobo Bookstore on the Internet and visit the Kyobo Bookstore website (www.kyobobook.co.kr). 좋은뉴스





If you click and check the Gwanghwamun Kyobo Library, you can check the detailed information as follows. Phone number 1544-1900, Fax number 0502-987-5739, business hours 09:30 am ~ 10:00 pm, regular holidays Lunar New Year (the day), Chuseok (the day), Address B1, Kyobo Life Insurance Building, Jongro 1, Jongno-gu, Seoul You can check floor information.






Other information includes directions and parking information. By public transportation, you can check the necessary map for coming by subway, city bus, and car.


You can also check in detail information about free parking benefits and additional charges for car users.


As above, we have looked into the business hours and closed days of Kyobo Book Center in Gwanghwamun. Why don’t you visit the bookstore and buy a book you like and read it before the end of the year