60대 일자리 구하기 Looking for a job in your 60s

It is said that the 65-year-old population in Korea accounts for more than 7% of the total population. Now we can see that we have truly entered an aging society. However, the retirement age in Korea is 40 to 50 at the earliest, and on average, it can be seen that retirement is in the 60s. That’s why many people in their 60s want to re-enter the workforce after retirement. From now on, I will tell you about good jobs.

60대 일자리 구하기

Looking for a job in your 60s
In an aging society, we often hear the phrase “the age of 100 years.” In other words, you must have the idea that you must prepare for a comfortable life until the age of 100. It would be very good if everyone turned 100 years old. It seems that everyone wants to be together happily for a long time with the person they love.

However, old age may be a good blessing for those who are well prepared, but it may come as a misfortune for those who are not prepared. 60대 일자리 구하기


To be well-prepared for the age of 100 would be to say that you are financially well-off. This may not apply to those who have already fully prepared for their retirement, but we will inform those in their 60s who are not ready for a job that is good for re-employment. 좋은뉴스

The first job is a real estate agent. It’s one of those undeniable facts that being in your 60s takes a toll on you physically. So, for people in their 60s, labor intensity is the most important. A real estate agent is a job with low labor and high professionalism. It is a job where the main income is commissions from real estate brokerage for clients, and it handles real estate-related tasks.


To become a real estate agent, you need a license. It’s a good job that allows you to work in a private office or from home because you can prepare before you reach your 60s and enter any field related to real estate.


Renewable Energy Article
The second job is a renewable energy engineer. Currently, renewable energy is one of the energy resources that is attracting attention due to the depletion of fossil energy. As such, it is expected that the demand for jobs related to renewable energy will increase. Renewable energy technicians are rated as one of the best jobs for their expertise, facilities and planning.


psychological counselor
The last job I recommend is a psychologist. I think that the stress of modern people is bound to increase as the time goes by. So, the job that can take care of this is a psychological counselor. The reason why this psychological counselor is suitable for a job in his 60s must be his life experiences.


I think I have the ability to take care of people’s psychology with my years and experience, and I think I can give realistic advice. So far, we have given you information about finding a job in your 60s. These 3 jobs require certification, and I think it’s good to get certification as soon as possible.